Social Media Policy

Sunsho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (“our company”) shall comply with this policy regarding the operation of our official social media accounts (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) and the use of social media by our employees.

1. Our stance regarding the operation of official social media accounts

Basic stance

We will comply with various laws and act with good judgment in accordance with the “code of conduct.”

Understanding of media characteristics

We will always keep in mind that all information posted on the Internet can be accessed by the general public, and that the information cannot be completely deleted once it is posted. We will strive to listen to user comments, and act responsibly with the understanding that personal posts may reflect upon Sunsho Pharmaceutical.

Awareness of posts made on official accounts as employees

We will be fully aware of the impact of posting on official social media accounts as employees and will make posts in good faith without forgetting our stance of maintaining “dialogue” and “listening.”

Pursuit of accuracy

We will transmit accurate information based on fact, and clearly specify sources whenever possible.

2. Responding to posts and handling inquiries

3. Items to be noted